Therapy Dog Training

Kaya and Holly, two of our English Cream Golden Retrievers proudly wearing their Canines for Service vests.   golden retriever puppies, golden retriever price, golden retriever puppies for sale, golden retriever for sale, golden retriever puppies for

We enhanced our program by certifying some of our Alpine Sky Goldens to be Therapy Dogs. Our English Cream Golden Retrievers are specifically bred for dispositions that will make them excellent therapy dogs that can share their love and comfort with our community.

We volunteer for Canines for Service, an excellent non-profit organization. Check out Kaya as their poster child on CFS’s Therapy Dog home page 🐶

With so many mental health challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, colleges and schools are requesting Therapy Dogs to provide support, comfort, and joy to the students.

We hope some of our puppy families will follow along the same path. While not a requirement, we give preference to families that show interest in being a team with their Therapy Dog.

Kaya, our English Cream Golden Retriever in a therapy session at Duke University.  golden retriever puppies, golden retriever price, golden retriever puppies for sale, golden retriever for sale, golden retriever puppies for sale near me, golden retr
Teddy, English Cream Golden Retriever in a therapy session at Duke University, Durham North Carolina.  golden retriever puppies, golden retriever price, golden retriever puppies for sale, golden retriever for sale, golden retriever puppies for sale n
Kaya, one of our English Cream Golden Retriever  therapy dogs, sharing her love at a Montessori school.  √

Therapy Dogs are not Service Dogs; they are dogs trained to provide affection, comfort and love to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, schools, hospices, and disaster areas. They are defined by, but not covered or protected under, the Federal Housing Act or Americans with Disabilities Act.