Health & Best Practices
As a responsible breeder, we are careful to ensure that our dogs have all necessary health clearances to help prevent genetic disorders in our puppies and adult dogs. This includes Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) clearances/certifications for heart, elbows, eyes and hips. Our dogs also have clearances for ichthyosis, which is a common genetic skin disorder in Goldens.
In contrast, online searches for breeders often lead unknowingly to a “puppy mill”. While these commercial breeding operations are a cheaper way to produce puppies, they come at a cost. Dogs raised in puppy mills are sadly housed in inhumane conditions, typically in small crates with lack of human contact, and often have no veterinary care. This leads to ongoing health and temperament issues for the puppies and heart ache for the families who adopt them.
Regular veterinary care, obtaining necessary health clearances to avoid genetic defects, and a nurturing environment are key to breeding healthy and confident dogs. With our careful selection of bloodlines, the chances are slim any of our dogs will be predisposed to genetic disease that could cause large expenses and/or a shortened lifespan of your beloved pup.
To ensure the healthiest puppies possible, our breeding dogs have passed all these genetic health clearances:
- Hips – OFA
- Elbows – OFA
- Eyes – OFA (Clear by Certified Ophthalmologist)
- PRA-1 and PRA-2 (Clear of Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
- Ichthyosis – (Clear of genetic skin disorder)
- Heart – OFA (by Certified Cardiologist)
In addition to awareness of health risks, it is important to find a responsible breeder that values dogs as furry family members, raised in loving kennel-free environments. Happy, healthy, and confident dogs make for better companions.